Piku, again

I wrote a thought piece connecting Piku and bloggers. It appeared yesterday in the Hindu’s Sunday Magazine. This piece is dedicated to all of you reading this. I could have been happier about it, but I wasn’t because of bad days at work. Today, things got a little better. I spoke up about bad things and received reassurance in return. So, sharing the link to my work here too. The high point for me about all of this are as follows:

Brangan responded to my email asking if he would be interested in the piece with encouragement. I had sent out this piece to a feminist website too, but they did not get back for three days. Not only did Brangan respond within 20 minutes of my email to him, but he also put me in touch with other editors from his newspaper who would be interested in it. Immediately after this, the feminist people replied. By then, I had already committed to the newspaper. Brangan is the person to whose blog I go running to after every film viewing only to tally and see how our interpretations matched or differed. It felt very nice to know that he approved and thought this was publication worthy. I wrote him a ‘thank you’ note yesterday and he told me ‘welcome, Preeti’ 🙂

Yesterday, my article was featured just below his review of the Kamal Hasan starrer Pappasanam on the upper half of the landing page of the newspaper’s website for the entire Sunday giving it eyeballs. Though I would love to know how many clicked to read. Of course, I screenshoted it to look at to feel happy later. It will certainly be one of the mostest from these are a few of my favorite things.

Another happy thing was that one woman who read it hunted my contact details down and wrote to me saying that it resonated tremendously with her and she wanted to meet me. It was very touching and since she is Bangalore based, I will meet her some day.

Thanks to R too who excitedly whatsapped me after reading it in the newspaper. Very sweet of you, R.

That’s all. Hope all readers are in happy places in their lives work wise and other wise and I hope I get there too.

8 thoughts on “Piku, again

  1. madetomisfit July 6, 2015 / 6:05 pm

    I was mighty excited to see it. It’s so much fun to see something that you weren’t expecting to see. I’m glad I hadn’t read about it on FB before finding it out myself. You should really write a post from Piku’s POV. That would be fun read.


    • GM July 6, 2015 / 10:06 pm

      You are a dear and so is SA. She just sent me the sweetest email ever. It would be great to do a post from her pov. A little bit of Rana for inspiration wouldn’t hurt either 😛


  2. SA July 6, 2015 / 6:38 pm

    Love, Love, Love..
    I agree with R, it would be a fantastic idea to do a post from her POV. I would love to see Syed’s POV also who obviously likes her and is aware of all the madness going on in her life.


    • GM July 6, 2015 / 10:07 pm

      Thanks so much, SA ❤ Yes, Syed is a very interesting character. He most likely lost her to his friend. Wonder how he is going to deal with that.


  3. notesfromcedarhills July 6, 2015 / 10:51 pm

    That’s wonderful! Congratulations. I read the post and I loved it. I think women are such wonderful friends. I’ll admit, I’ve mostly had male friends all my life but yes, there are certain things for which you’ll always turn to women. Here’s wishing you continue to find such happiness throughout life and have an abundance of amazing female friends 🙂


    • GM July 7, 2015 / 11:21 am

      Thanks 🙂 I haven’t had many close friends at all from any gender so this really was a thought piece about what I see happening around me on blogs where so many women are writing anonymously, but I don’t see men responding or doing the same.


  4. princessbutter July 7, 2015 / 5:35 am

    Lovely, lovely article! So proud of you!
    I have some very close male friends and very close female friends. But I would say I get along with guys better. I really do wish we could peek into Piku’s journal or diary or blog. It would be so interesting.


    • GM July 7, 2015 / 11:22 am

      Thank you 🙂 I hope you continue to have good friends who will always get you – gender irrespective.
